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Klaipėda, BlackBall
H. Manto g. 31 - Pradžia
- 10 gegužės 2024
- Pabaiga
- 12 gegužės 2024
Tournament regulations:
Dress code |
Qualifying rounds: The dress code is nice and tidy pants or jeans in one color, polo shirt or long sleeved shirt with collar. No untidy clothing is allowed. Play offs: Dress code B. The head referee reserves the right to decide on the clothing. Additionally, the organizers reserve the right to make exceptions on clothing based on the circumstances, e.g. sweater for cold pool hall, short smart pants for very hot weather etc. All the exceptions will be announced no later than 2 days prior to start of the matches. |
Entry fee (optional) |
All players CAN pay their entry fees by transfer to below details: IBAN: LT273250007823857496 Receiver: Gintaras Petrovas Purpose: Entry fee for BPL xxxxx (xxxx means division, i.e. open, mini, senior or all together or separate) Paying at a tournament desk on the day of the tournament is 5€ extra. |
Time out |
Time out can be taken at any time in a match in between the racks. Time out cannot be more than 5 minutes and no smoking and drinking alcohol during time out is allowed. Time out can be taken by any player. |
Alcohol, smoking, snuff, chewing tobaco or any other drugs |
It is not allowed to use any of these drugs during the match. It is not allowed to use alcohol during whole tournament day. As time out is part of the match it is not allowed to use any of these during time out. |
Mobile phones, smart watches |
It is not allowed to use mobile phones or smart watches during the matches, unless smart watch is on flight mode. If such a situation occurs, participant will get a warning at first occasion and at 2nd - penalty is 1 rack to opponent. |
Unsportsmanlike behavior |
Unsportsmanlike behavior will not be tolerated and will be evaluated by the head referee and penalized accordingly to the WPA tournament regulations. |
Protest against referee decision |
There might be some situations where athlete will not agree with referees decision. In these circumstances protest can be given by an athlete in writing no later than 3 days since the situation happened and 100 Eur paid at the front desk as a protest analyze fee. If after investigation protest is valid to athlete side, fee is returned and valid actions to be taken. In case the athletes protest is not satisfied the 100 Eur fee will not be returned to the athlete. |
Tournament page and setup system |
Tournament will be running in www.cuescore.com and all tables for main event will have tablets for live scoring and result entering. Players will need to update their scores on the tablets and at the end FINISH the match by pressing the button. |
Late cancellations |
Participant has to pay an entry fee if on the day of the tournament or after draw they cancel their participation. |
30 minutes before the match |
Each participant has to be 30 minutes before the match is scheduled as ther might be that the match will be called earlier. |
Open division:
Name |
Mezz Cues Baltic 9 Ball Tour main event |
Description |
Main event can be participated by everyone. Men, women, seniors, wheelchair, youth, etc. Matches will be played on 9ft tables. |
Saturday |
9 AM |
Player type |
Singles |
Tournament type |
Round robin qualification and single depending from amount of participants |
Game type |
9 ball |
Race to |
5 in a group stages, race to 7 in single knock out and race to 9 in semi and final. |
Bracket size |
max 72 participants |
Tables |
As many as possible |
Break format |
Alternate break |
Rules |
Entry fee |
70 Eur |
Draw type |
Best players according to MCBPL2024 stage I rankings will be seeded in a groups and first places from the groups will be randomly seeded in a single knock out. |
Draw to single KO |
2 best players will qualify to single knock out from each group. We understand that there might be not equal number, i.e. not last 32 or last 64 in the first round of SE and that is absolutely fine. |
Participation in multi events |
Applicable for women and seniors only. If participation in multi events will result conflict in a game schedule, participant will need to choose the priority in which tournament shall he or she should proceed further and cancel participation in one or another. That means that the player will forfeit one or another group and will not be able to compete in one or another. |
Tournament Director and Referee |
Gintaras Petrovas Event Head Referee |
Payouts (guaranteed) |
Dalyviai sąrašas
Lietuvių sėkmingi startai tarptautinėje arenoje 23 spalio 2024
Sveikiname Lietuvos sportininkus praėjusį savaitgalį dalyvavusius Baltijos Pulo Lygos IV-ame etape, kuriame buvo pelnytas ne vienas medalis bei aukštas pasiekimas:
MINI - viso 39 dalyviai:
1 vieta -Saulius Vaitukaitis
2 vieta - Kasparas Budnikas
3 vieta - Justas Jelinskas
Atrankos į 2025 metų Europos čempionatą sistema 09 rugpjūčio 2024
Atrankos į Europos čempionatą 2025 sistema
Lietuvos pulo federacija
Versija 3.0
2024 08 10
Projekto tikslas
Apibrėžti tikslus ir sportininko lygi, kurį sportininkas turi atitikti norint patekti I LT nacionalinę rinktinę 2025 metais.
Projekto užduotys
Norint patekti I LT nacionalinę rinktinę reikia, kad sportininkas būtų aukščiausioje įmanomoje savo techninėje formoje ir išlaikytų ją iki pat tarptautinių varžybų. Tik geriausios sportinės ir techninės formos, sportininkas gali tikėtis pilno finansavimo į Europos čempionatą.
Ąžuolas Tadaravičius Europos jaunių pulo čempionate pasidabino bronza 27 liepos 2024
Ąžuolas Tadaravičius antrus metus iš eilės kovoja Europos pulo čempionate, jaunių grupėje (iki 17 metų).
Pernai Ąžuolas išmėgino jėgas ir tiesa pasakius visai neblogai jam sekėsi. Buvo pasiekta net 9 vieta pulas 14+1 ir trys 17-os vietos kitose disciplinose.
2024 Europos čempionatas įpusėjo 12 liepos 2024
Jau 5-oji diena Slovėnijoje, Podčertrek miestelyje, kuriame vykta Europos suaugusiųjų čempionatas. Suaugusiųjų grupę atstovauja du Lietuvaičiai:
Kęstutis Žadeikis ir Jokūbas Silantjevas
Vyručiai kovoja ir garsina mūsų šalį nukaudami ne vieną garsią pavardę. Kaip pavyzdžiui šiandien Jokūbas nugalėjo Marc Bijsterbosh (Olandija) pulas 8 disciplinoje rezultatu 8:4. O taip pat vakar nugalėtas stiprus Šveicaras Maiklas Šnaideris pulas 10 disciplinoje.
EPBF jaunučių ture Taline - sidabras 19 birželio 2024
Birželio 15 dieną, Taline įvyko tarptautinis U17 (iki 17 metų) turnyras “EPBF Youth Tour Stop 3”.
Viskas labai panašiai kaip pagrindiniame Euroture tik leidžiama dalyvauti tik tiems kam ne daugiau 17 metų.
Šiame turnyre pirmą kartą jėgas nusprendė išbandyti ir mūsų jaunasis talentas Ąžuolas Tadaravičius.
"Mezz Cues" Baltijos pulo lygoje 4 medaliai 19 gegužės 2024
Antrajame „Mezz Cues Baltijos Pulo Lygos 2024“ etape, nuostabiame „Black Ball“ biliardo klube Klaipėdoje, prie pulo stalų stojo virš 90 dalyvių iš Suomijos, Estijos, Latvijos, Lenkijos bei Lietuvos. Savaitgalis buvo kupinas įdomių susitikimų, kurie vyko atvirajame, moterų ir vyresnių nei 45 metai divizionuose, taip pat apšilimo turnyrai - MINI ir PRO. Atvirą divizioną laimėjo Gert Maimre (EST), moterų – Anna Grintšuk (EST), o vyresniųjų – Joonas Saloheimo (FIN). Jaudinantį Pro renginį laimėjo Mark Mägi (EST), o mini turnyre triumfavo – Ažuolas Tadaravičius (LTU).